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Hear Me Roar - Delivering female-driven arts by regional communities for regional communities

In late 2020 Creative Regions took the show on the road, touring a powerhouse cabaret production Delta Divas celebrating strong female music icons and changemakers of the 60s and 70s era through Bundaberg and North Burnett communities.



In response to the significant reduction in regional productions due to COVID-19, Bundaberg-based Creative Regions Ltd developed and delivered Delta Divas – a live touring cabaret celebrating music from inspirational female artists such as Helen Reddy, Dolly Parton, The Supremes, Patsy Cline, The Seekers and more. 

Delta Divas featured five Queensland artists all hailing from regional Queensland. Supported by Musical Director and Pianist Chris Arnold, singers Tarnia Dell, Traci Thornton, Fiona Simpson and Kate Hints, all aged over 50 years, took on the powerhouse vocals of the 60s and 70s anthems. The production was primarily aimed at women in regional areas who would be most likely to emotionally connect to the music of their generation. 

Delta Divas was presented at four locations in regional Queensland, including free performances at Gin Gin Historical Village and RidgeHaven Retirement Complex in Monto, where the production was the first external programmed activity in more than six months. Across all locations, Delta Divas attracted significant interest and attendance.


When and where

August 2020 – November 2020. Bundaberg, Monto, Gin Gin, Childers.


Key Stats

  • 7 performances
  • 7 Queensland artists/arts and cultural workers employed 
  • 8 volunteers engaged
  • 841 total attendees


Arts Queensland Investment

$18,059 support through Creative to Go.

Creative to Go program provided Queensland-based artists and arts organisations with support to deliver live performances and engagement activities in regional Queensland as part of the Queensland Government's $22.5 million Arts and Cultural Recovery Package.




  • Strong attendance and sales: Although only seven of the nine shows took place due to COVID restrictions, the Creative Regions touring team achieved above the projected number of attendees for a total 841 attendees. The ticketed Bundaberg and Monto shows sold-out.
  • Restored consumer confidence: Audiences of the production responded well to the touring production. Feedback indicated they felt safe in the venues and the way their visiting experience was managed. Both the artists and the audiences were elated by the return of live performance to the regions.
  • Engaged regional communities: Delta Divas was one of the first live touring productions to visit the Bundaberg and North Burnett regional communities’ post-COVID lockdown. Artists and communities were empowered to come together and reconnect through the music and performance.
  • Employed regional artists: Delta Divas featured local artists, which for many was their first paid opportunity since COVID.

“For me becoming a member of The Delta Divas changed my 2020. It gave me a purpose outside of my family. I was now a paid singer and valued member of the Creative Regions team. I have found some lifelong friends on this journey and together we have made some wonderful memories. I am now a more skilled singer and a more confident performer as a result this experience. The Delta Divas performances provided audiences around Queensland with a professional concert that was both entertaining and fun and a distraction from COVID-19." – Tarnia Dell, artist


Learnings and reflections

Remaining agile 

With COVID restrictions still in effect, the originally identified locations and venues in Proston, Nanango and the Paragon in Childers were no longer suitable. The touring team swiftly adjusted the schedule to address venue and community concerns. Audiences were more confident to participate when new locations were partially or completely outdoors and appropriately managed.


Adapting to different spaces

“Each venue performed at was remarkably different and both stage craft and technical elements were required to adapt each time. From a beer garden, a retirement village BBQ area, a function space at a restaurant and a vineyard, our team were committed to giving their best show each time. 

“Every venue was vastly different offering unique challenges including power sourcing, wind and looming storms, enhancing vocal outputs and improving visual dynamics.”

“The ability to go from day to night, indoor and outdoor locations was not anticipated when the production plan was put in place and only realised once we reached each venue, however this team worked tirelessly each time to 'get it right on the night’.”


Involving communities

“A volunteer with over 30 years in sound and lighting engineering experience stepped forward to assist in the delivery of Delta Divas, offering to mentor our young technician for the production. 




“We loved it. We’re inspired by the creativity and courage to perform and do what one loves. Each and every one of you have such unique gifts. We feel so lucky to have experienced tonight - especially in our own little country bumpkin town. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️" – Monto resident and volunteer


Tips for others

Plan your tour delivery for indoors and outdoors and make sure you have the tech to support both. We were caught out by planning indoor delivery only during project planning, however when we were ready to deliver, the audiences had no confidence returning to indoor locations and the venues didn’t have the capacity at the time to deliver COVID safe plans. Which meant we had to adjust our whole tour and delivery model. We couldn’t foresee that challenge and adapted accordingly and have now incorporated this into our future planning. Sometimes the learning is painful though.


What next?

Having set out with the aim to connect with women in the regions, the Delta Divas were more than successful – the Biggendon Women’s Shed even inviting the touring team to perform again in future after attending the production in Childers.
Through touring the Delta Divas production, the performers and touring team received several offers for future engagements. They continue to discuss possibilities with various organisations across the regions.

Creative Regions also continue to work on other arts engagement projects in Bundaberg and the surrounding regions, visit their website to learn more.


Find out more

Creative Regions website   

Creative Regions facebook

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