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About the Roadmap and action plans


About Creative Together

Vision: A State renewed and transformed by arts, culture and creativity

Creative Together 2020-2030  the Queensland Government's 10-year vision which will see Queensland transformed – socially, culturally and economically through arts, culture and creativity.

At the core of Creative Together is a strong and sustainable sector in Queensland, which will support interconnected priorities:

  • Embrace Brisbane 2032 across Queensland

  • Elevate First Nations arts

  • Activate Queensland’s places and spaces

  • Drive social change and strengthen communities

  • Share our stories and celebrate our story tellers.


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Creative Together action plans

Creative Together will be delivered through three action plans across 10 years. Consecutive action plans will introduce new initiatives that will transition from rebuilding to strengthening and growing a thriving sector.

First action plan: Sustain 2020-2022

Sustain 2020-2022 an action plan for Creative Together 2020-2030: A 10-year roadmap for arts, culture and creativity in Queensland

Sustain 2020-2022 was the first action plan of the roadmap and focused on recovery and rebuilding the sector. The Queensland Government committed $29.5 million over two years through the Arts and Cultural Recovery Package of the Queensland Government’s Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs, to support actions in Sustain 2020-2022, ensuring the sector’s foundations to emerge from the impacts of COVID-19 with strength.


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Second action plan: Grow 2022-2026

Grow 2022-2026. The second action plan for Creative Together 2020-2030. A 10 year roadmap for  arts, culture and creativity in Queensland

Grow 2022-2026 builds on the work started in the first action plan, Sustain 2020-2022.

Action is Grow 2022-2026 respond to the changing environment across Queensland including the continued impacts of COVID-19, preparedness for Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games and supporting the Queensland Government’s Statement of Commitment.

Grow 2022-2026 is underpinned by new investment of $50 million over four-years announced as part of the 2022 Queensland State Budget.

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Sustain 2020-2022 highlights

Sustain 2020-2022 highlights summaries some of the key achievements under each of the Creative Together priorities.





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